TVU Project Pool Feed Helps Share Live Government Press Conferences

Officials use free TVU Anywhere mobile app

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MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.—In an effort to support all local communities nationally during the COVID-19 pandemic, TVU Networks has been working with news stations and municipal government offices across the country to set up free local live video pool feeds through its Project Pool Feed. Using the free TVU Anywhere app on a mobile phone, municipal officials and spokespersons can share live video to the pool feed by simply pressing the “live” button. No training is required to use TVU Anywhere because of its intuitive interface.

“As local government officials need a reliable way too quickly and effectively communicate vital information regarding efforts to combat COVID-19, TV stations are a critical outlet for this effort,” explained Paul Shen, CEO, TVU Networks. “We at TVU have been assisting communities nationally with Project Pool Feed. In using our tools, local municipal government offices can easily run news conferences while respecting the requirements of social distancing.”

For example, Georgia Public Broadcasting has an agreement with TV stations in the Atlanta market to provide a pool feed of the coronavirus task force briefings from Governor Brian Kemp. Powered by TVU Grid, Atlanta-based GPB is also working to share content with stations across the state as well as some parts of South Carolina.

TVU Grid is connected to a network of thousands of Grid-enabled broadcasters around the world. TV stations use TVU’s Grid technology for receiving, sharing and distributing live video content such as from a pool feed. Through Project Pool Feed, broadcasters coordinate with local governments to accept TVU Anywhere content from press conferences and other events for distribution.

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